
Franklin NC - Last formal surrender of Confederate troops in NC and east of the Mississippi occurred May 12, 1865 directly across from our Macon County NC Historical Society Museum at Dixie Hall (location of today's courthouse). The Civil War officially ended at Appomattox in April, but news was impeded by remote location and mountainous terrain. As a result, the fight persisted through May 14, 1865. 
Featured photos show Civil War museum displays which include Confederate uniforms (officer and private), weapons, artifacts, and facts about soldiers - such as a list of rations in 1861. Candles and soap were distributed in addition to bacon or beef, bread, beans or peas, rice, or perhaps rehydrated vegetables, coffee or tea, and for flavor - sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper. 
In the detailed photograph, you'll notice: a 12-lb. cannonball found in Iotla Valley, a steel canteen, Confederate soldier Ezekial Polk Dowdle's pin-fired revolver (made in France), and a Union soldier's sword (1863) - retrieved from the Chickamauga Battlefield near Chattanooga TN by surviving Confederate soldier John Cunningham of the 65th Regiment. Visit the museum to view these exhibits, related items, and to learn much more from curator Robert Shook. 
Early 20th century millinery shops in Franklin, NC - USA. Historic Photos found with help of Robert Shook, curator at Macon County Historical Society Museum. Resources in Museum holdings - books Then and Now, and Macon County Heritage Vol. 1, also photograph binder People II. The time capsule marker in the photographs below is located near Town Hall, not far from Lot 20 which appears in the 1820 Love Survey. Lot 20 later became location of Mary Allman's Millinery Co. Franklin NC Main Street - Town Hill photos by JHH 
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